Tom LaGrave shares his remarkable journey from Navy SEAL to licensed clinical social worker, revealing how personal struggle and recovery led him to create Honor Bound Academy, a transformative program for youth transitioning to adulthood. Through his 35 years of experience working with adolescents, Tom has developed a powerful approach that teaches resilience, accountability, and personal responsibility while helping young people discover their purpose.

• Navy SEAL training taught Tom to "never quit" – a principle he's applied throughout life's challenges
• Hitting rock bottom with addiction after military discharge forced him to rebuild his life through recovery
• Working with youth in recovery settings showed Tom how young people could help him reconnect with emotions
• The Honor Bound Academy creates a modern rite of passage for 18-20 year olds through a 365-day live-in program
• Deliberately creating opportunities for failure teaches participants how to overcome challenges
• Building brotherhood and accountability through team experiences modeled after special forces training
• Using nature's elements (fire, earth, air, water) as healing tools and teachers
• Forgiveness, especially self-forgiveness, is essential to moving forward
• Today's societal division requires sacrifice from older generations to support youth
• Finding purpose through helping others creates healing for both parties

Visit to learn more about Tom's program and his book "Special Welfare Social Warfare."

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