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Welcome to Real Talk with Tina and Anne.
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I am Tina.
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And I am Anne.
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You know, at the beginning of every year we all make resolutions and it is like walk every day, lose 20 pounds, and it's very task-oriented and sometimes, just because it is a task, something we don't want to do, we really have a hard time doing it past one month, but if we just do some key things, it actually will lead to the same results without us even realizing that it's a task.
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That would be really something, huh.
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Yeah it would.
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I fall into that category.
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I get so excited and yeah, I'm going to do this and I'm going to do this, and I do it for a while.
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It's like I'm good for three or four weeks and then I fall off some way somehow.
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And getting back up is the biggest struggle.
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And I know it's supposed to be simple just start, but that can be so hard.
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I don't understand why, but I do feel like we talked about this book before.
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It is James Clear.
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The book is Atomic Habits and he talks a lot about this very thing.
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You know we all have things that we need to change.
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You know, when we go into the year, we make a kind of like this self-analysis and we go, yeah, I need to change this, I need to do this.
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And you know we all do so.
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I think going into any new year or any new day actually, that we can genuinely say we need to change something that will make us a better person.
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My eight-year-old just the other day said that he has goals that he has set for himself and I won't share them because some of them are personal, you know, for him.
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But it was really cute how he said it.
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He sounded like a little man and I said, well, I don't know of these goals, will you share them with me?
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And so he did and I thought these are really good goals.
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So the next step after that is everyone I think probably knows is you have to do the next step.
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You know the next first step, so we'll see if we can get there and how long it lasts.
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Well, we do have a list and I actually really love these and you know, they really are the kind of it's the kind of list that you don't even realize you're doing it, if you just allow yourself to try to be your best.
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Well, I think that something that's really important for all of us is putting self-care, our own selves, at the top of the list, because if we can't help ourselves, we are not able to help others.
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It's that whole analogy of if you're on a plane and you need to put your gas mask, don't do that.
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If you need to put your oxygen mask on first.
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You know they say, put it on first because you have to help yourself before you can help someone else.
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I can tell you that I am entering a season of feeling just completely overwhelmed and shutting down, and I don't.
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I think part of it is just because of the holiday season being here, but part of it is just you know some of the hard parts of life that happened to so many of us.
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And don't worry, if it hasn't happened to you yet, it will.
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That's what a wise woman has.
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My counselor has always said to me if you, if it hasn't happened to you yet, don't worry, it will.
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Hard times you've got to exclude, but I think that the very first thing is you Self-care is not selfish.
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And going along those lines, I got to read something that I found earlier today, actually from Morgan Harper Nichols, and there are a couple of things that she said.
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So one of the things is she says you are worthy of the same kind words and consideration that you would give to others.
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I think that's pretty powerful.
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Yeah, you know, I often wonder why I talk to myself and we've actually talked about this on the podcast before but I've actually wondered why I've talked to myself so much, worse than I would allow anybody else to talk to myself, or I would be like, wait a second, they just said.
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But you know, sometimes I find myself talking like that to myself.
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But I love this because you know so many times, especially as a mom and you know what this is like, tina, that we put ourselves last and I just did a podcast with someone and all this stuff was happening to her.
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It was really awful stuff and someone asked her how it affected her and she hadn't even thought about it.
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I mean, she had thought about everybody else, but not how it affected her.
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And we often make sure everybody else is okay and then we think, wait, am I okay?
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And most of the time I don't even think I asked that question.
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I think it's a good one to ask, and I'll tell you where this really applies, at least personally and in lots of interviews that I have done throughout my career, lots of interviews that I have done throughout my career and it would be in the addiction arena.
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So, when I was growing up, my brother now I'm older than my brother, but he is an addict and he was a recovering addict at one point, but he is again an addict and when I still lived at home, nobody ever thought how it impacted me, and it wasn't until that's so interesting, yeah, nobody.
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And even when I brought it to the attention of my parents, you know, maybe a year, two years, I can't even remember the timeframe but sometime later they were like wow, I never even thought about that because they were so consumed with the addict, and so there were so many layers that I, as a sibling, dealt with.
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I mean, I basically didn't have my mom and dad for a whole year.
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Now, granted, I was older and, you know, in my early 20s, but you still want your family around, you know.
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Everybody that's involved.
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When somebody is in, you know the thick of addiction.
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Everybody's sick Right and it is a family disease.
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It is.
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Yeah, but I think some families don't realize that, and so that's what I wanted to say is that's the?
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When you said that, that is, what I thought about was yes, I've been there where I was like, am I okay?
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No, I'm not okay, but nobody else could see that I wasn't okay.
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Yeah, that's an interesting one.
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I wanted to go back to the Morgan Harper Nichols.
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Some of the quotes that I've read from her, because she talks about these are what she calls her things to remember this December, and this was another powerful one for me.
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And it said being yourself should never have to mean being by yourself, and you are free to take small shifts toward discovering what supportive spaces could look like in a way that leads to meaningful connection.
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I think that's a good self-care one too.
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It is because you're being intentional, you know I love that's a good self-care one too.
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It is because you're being intentional, you know, I love that.
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And basically to me, it speaks to my heart If someone is making you uncomfortable and disturbing your peace, you don't have to be around that Don't Find your people.
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It's so true we need our tribe, which then goes into.
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I love how she also said the progress you have already made, no matter how small, are integral parts of your growth.
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That deserves a big amen, I think.
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And she ends it up with.
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She ends with give yourself permission to add your own health and well-being to the list of things you care about.
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We absolutely should care about us, because people depend on and love us and same we reciprocate that, and so we really do matter.
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That's why it's even first on our list, because we need to take care of us first, because if we don't, and we need to know when to weed people out, when not to let people in, and that's really important because people can be life-sucking and if we go into things and we've had our life sucked out of us, you know we're never our best self, so, and we'll know, we will absolutely know when we feel drained and when somebody is doing that, contributing to that.
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Yeah, pay attention to how you feel around people, yes, and how you make other people feel.
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I mean, in being all fair, I mean, yeah, that's good, but why no?
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just kidding.
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Yeah, well, at the end of the day, what does it really matter?
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It doesn't matter.
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They could leave whatever Just kidding, I mean, that's a valid point too.
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Yeah, but I mean it does go both ways.
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I mean you're absolutely right, we do need to be very conscientious about how we make other people feel and we need to be intentional about it.
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When you think about the new year, what else are you thinking of?
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Well, I think that we need to be, or we could be, the person that you respect.
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And I just absolutely love this one, because if you go to sleep every day knowing that you reflect who you want to reflect, then that's awesome.
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But I know that there are things that we face and can say, geez, I really shouldn't have done that, or I really shouldn't have said that, or maybe I should have reached out to this person, or maybe I shouldn't have said that swear word or whatever you know.
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I mean, we really need to look at ourselves and say are we really reflecting who we are and be the person that we would respect?
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You know, just kind of a funny thing, but it goes with what you're saying is I read something recently that it was kind of like, I guess, a dig at someone if they were not being very kind to you and you could say well, I hope that you get the same treatment that you give to others, or I hope that you're treated the same way you treat others.
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But it's true, it's true.
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If you're giving that out, would you want to be on the receiving end?
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I don't think so.
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I have this mind.
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That normally goes to being a smart you know what, and so I.
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But what I think and what I say are completely different things.
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Right, I am thinking a lot, I'm saying, oh you know, and being really sweet about it a lot of times.
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So I mean, but it's only because I really do want to reflect who I really am.
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And that comes down to that one you had said in a podcast recently about yeah, I would treat you the way that you're treating me, but it's not in my character.
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Right, yeah, Because we want to reflect who we really are.
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Right and we don't want other people to change us.
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We're going to come across crappy people and yeah, I think so many of us have but no, you're not going to change who I am just because of who you are, and I think that's actually one of the most important things to remember, that it's so important to know that usually I would say the overwhelming majority of the time the way that someone treats you is a reflection of them, not you.
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Absolutely 100%.
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Or you and I were talking before we came on and I shared a story with you, and sometimes somebody really might just be having a bad day and it's just in the moment, right, and sometimes just being kind back.
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You know, and I have learned this so many times and this has been a really good lesson to me to wait it out, sure, before you do anything or say anything.
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Wait it out, because most of the time, things will resolve themselves just because of time, and maybe it was just a moment in time, but if there's a pattern, then you have to look at that also.
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Yeah, I think that's important too.
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Yeah, I can't remember the quote I had read too.
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It was along those lines and it did talk about be mindful of people's actions.
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Basically, if they're repetitive, you know that's showing their character.
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But then someone actually made a good point about that, like, what if you broke your arm, for example, and you had to do things differently because it wasn't healed yet, and they were referring to?
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Well, what if someone has experienced, just say, trauma, who hasn't gotten help yet for it?
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They were treated differently, and I liked that perspective shift.
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However, it doesn't change the fact that I don't think that's a free pass to be an awful person and be rude.
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I mean, we all have, you know, instances where that's happened.
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We've had bad days.
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I don't call them bad days, I call them bad moments of the day or hard moments.
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But I think that the first step is realizing, then that you have a problem and you need to get that help for it.
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And if you don't think you have a problem, therefore you're not going to get help.
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I think that's even worse, because you continue to treat people like crap and you think it's okay, but it's not.
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You know, it's not an excuse.
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Right, yeah, I just recently you know my kids are very real people and so we have those conversations too, and I don't want to give them a pass just because they have autism or because they have trauma in their life.
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And I can remember you know this was a really long time ago, but one of I don't even want to say that somebody I know she used her adoption as a reason for being bad at school and the principal called the parent and said yeah, she's saying that the reason why she's making these bad choices is because she was adopted, and it was just like no, we can't use those reasons as to why that we are making bad choices Because, as we know, things happen and it's up to us to decide how we're going to handle it.
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Yeah, no, you're absolutely right.
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Who wants to be a victim anyway?
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I don't you know none of us should want to be a victim.
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We need to rise above.
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Yeah, I love that.
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Yes, and I have to.
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We always have to do self-reflection, and so when we're talking about beginnings, I mean this is a perfect time to do that and to start working on some of these things.
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And being honest with ourselves is also something that I think that we need to do, and that can be hard, but you also have to give yourself grace in the process.
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So don't be so hard on yourself, because really, what is happening here is that we are all growing.
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Yeah, it's.
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You know I think I've said it before grace in space.
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You have said that.
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Yeah, it's important to remember that too, and I absolutely love self-reflection.
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I just asked a friend recently, you know, what is it that you love about me or not?
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And you know she had her answers and it was great.
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I don't mind that kind of thing because I'm always trying to be introspective and I want to be the best version of myself and I want to teach that to my children and generations to come.
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But not everybody is that way, and so it does make it a little bit tricky when you know that you're trying to get to be the best version of yourself.
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But I feel like I've learned some of the hard people or just kind of the awful people in my life who have kind of come and thankfully gone.
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I feel like I'm really grateful for them too, because they have taught me something very, very valuable.
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They've taught me to be stronger.
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They've taught me to know, help me set better boundaries.
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They have taught me to really just be thankful for what is real, what is in front of me, what matters the most.
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So it's really put things into a better perspective and at the end of the day, I don't want any of those people in my life.
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Anyway, I don't have to be unkind.
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And in Tupac's words I love this.
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Read something that he said.
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I just thought that is it.
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Yes, that's what I'm talking about.
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He said just because you've lost me as a friend doesn't mean you've gained me as an enemy.
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I want to see you eat, just not at my table.
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And I thought that's me.
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There are a lot of people that I don't want you to eat at my table.
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But I wish you well.
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I hope you still eat.
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I hope you find your way and get better and become a better person, but I don't want you at my table.
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Yeah, yeah, isn't that good?
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I thought that was so good.
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I think that I'm going to write that down, I think so that's really good I could.
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It's something to live by as a pass on.
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It's okay to say that.
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Yeah, it is.
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You know, I think we can always be kind Sure and yes, are we going to mess up?
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Yes, Can we apologize?
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Yes, does that always make it all better.
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No, but here's the bottom line is we don't all have to sit at the same table.
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Okay, if you have a toxic group of people, no offense, I'm not inviting you over to my table.
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You sit there.
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I hope you eat well, that's fine, but you have some learning and growing to do and you need to just stay over there.
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You're not coming to my table, and I think that's okay.
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If it disturbs your peace, let it go.
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You know, whenever we do these podcasts, I always leave with something, and I think that that's one of the big things I'm going to leave with you know.
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I love that.
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It's been ruminating, you know, it's really helping me through Instead of being so angry with people who have wronged you.
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Yeah, I think if we just have that perspective, listen, you go sit over there and eat, and I hope you do, just don't come over here, and it's kind of like a boundaries thing, and I really like it.
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Well, I know, one of the other things that I think is next important is being the creator of who you want to be is next important is being the creator of who you want to be.
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Yeah, I mean, that is so true and I absolutely love that one.
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I have, like, this vision board and I have things on it that I know that I really want to do, and you know, you're never too old to become your best self, to work on yourself, to write your own story, and we did a podcast this year on writing your own script or being the director of your play, and we talked about choosing what train car that we wanted to ride in, and, yeah, it was awesome.
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We had a really great response from that.
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But you know, that is about choice and we are the writers of who we want to be every single day of our lives.
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And I think, too, that we often say you know, I'm 20 or 30 or 40, whatever, and we have so much time, but in reality, we have today and what are we going to do with it?
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How do we want to represent?
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What do we want to accomplish?
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Who do we want to be in control of our lives?
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Who do we want to be at our table?
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Who do we want to include?
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You know, at the end of the day, where do we want to be, and it doesn't have to be task-oriented at all.
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It is just simple questions to ourselves that will help us to get there, without even realizing that that's what we're doing.
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And when you talk about growth, I know that that can trigger some people who are stagnant, and so being authentic can trigger people who are wearing masks.
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And so I just wanted to add don't let anyone's comfort zone hinder your growth and authenticity.
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Be uniquely you, as long as the you is a good version.
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I'm not saying go out and be an awful person.
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I'm just saying don't let other people's in other words, perhaps maybe jealousy of you make you into less.
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Growth is important and everyone grows at their own pace, and I've shared this before, I believe, on air, but I have told one of our children for a while now that people are going to love you and people are going to hate you for your talent.
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Let my voice and your dad's voice be the loudest voices that you hear, because we love you the most and we have your best interest at heart.
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That is why and it's been such a it's really come into play this year, and I think you know our son really understands it and I hate to have to say it, but that is the truth of the world.
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I mean it really is, especially, you know, in various arenas.
00:21:25.048 --> 00:21:27.682
It could be sports, it could be how smart somebody is.
00:21:27.682 --> 00:21:29.366
You know it could be with their job.
00:21:29.366 --> 00:21:45.666
You just, I think, if you have that mindset, in other words, listen to the people who you're closest to and who know and love you best, yeah, and also let your own voice be louder than theirs Absolutely, that's yeah great point to add Absolutely.
00:21:46.954 --> 00:21:50.486
Yeah, and we have the choice to be the one that's in control.
00:21:50.486 --> 00:21:56.104
Here's one how about speak with purpose every day?
00:21:56.104 --> 00:22:01.681
You know that doesn't mean that we can't be goofing around and have a good time like we were a little bit ago.
00:22:01.681 --> 00:22:04.576
But, you know, be intentional in our speech to others.
00:22:04.576 --> 00:22:08.733
Make sure that what we're saying represents who we are, like I said earlier.
00:22:08.733 --> 00:22:09.760
But also make sure that if someone needs kindness, that that's what we do.
00:22:09.760 --> 00:22:13.359
That's what we're saying represents who we are, like I said earlier, but also make sure that if someone needs kindness, that that's what we do, that's what we give.
00:22:13.359 --> 00:22:18.683
Make sure that, if we need to have that conversation with someone, that we're very intentional about it.
00:22:18.683 --> 00:22:25.307
Make sure our words really do represent who we are in the conversations that we need to have throughout the day.
00:22:26.575 --> 00:22:28.477
I think that's so important too.
00:22:28.477 --> 00:22:31.318
Yeah, I love that.
00:22:31.318 --> 00:22:32.660
Speak with purpose.
00:22:32.660 --> 00:22:37.722
The words we say do matter, because it's not true, sticks and stones break your bones.
00:22:37.923 --> 00:22:41.105
Sure, words do hurt, they really can hurt.
00:22:41.105 --> 00:22:44.167
They have the power to breathe life or take it away.
00:22:44.167 --> 00:22:47.029
They truly do, and so that's why I love.
00:22:47.029 --> 00:22:57.519
I mean, I guess I'm full of quotes today, but the movie Wonder, my favorite quote from there, given the choice between being right and being kind, always choose kind, because it is a choice.
00:22:57.519 --> 00:23:06.787
You know you can be happy and sad at the same time, and then I hope that the you know, you kind of move past the sadness and you move toward happiness.
00:23:06.787 --> 00:23:08.519
It's, it really is a choice.
00:23:08.618 --> 00:23:25.196
You know, today, today, I was at a candy place with my youngest son and I was taking him to experience this place for the first time, where you get your own little box of candy, you just handpick it, and the lady behind the counter was just really, really grumpy.
00:23:25.196 --> 00:23:26.880
I happen to know that she's older and is the owner.
00:23:26.880 --> 00:23:34.871
I happen to know that she's older and is the owner, and so I just gave extra smiles and extra oh, it's okay.
00:23:34.871 --> 00:23:42.390
She actually forgot part of what I ordered and I had to go back 20 minutes later and go get it.
00:23:42.390 --> 00:23:54.804
Once I noticed it and that was okay and I feel like, maybe because I was so kind to her that when I came back the second time she actually then seemed like a total different person, very, very kind.
00:23:54.804 --> 00:24:03.660
Who knows, maybe she was hangry, maybe she I don't know what it was but something about I was like nope, nothing is going to ruin this first experience for my son and I.
00:24:04.521 --> 00:24:31.145
So I am just going to keep smiling like this and, oh, I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood you know just one of those things, but I do think that you can be kind, and I actually think that's really one of the true tests of humility is when you are asked to be kind to someone who hasn't been kind to you or to serve someone who hasn't been kind to you.
00:24:31.145 --> 00:24:32.636
I've had to do that.
00:24:32.636 --> 00:24:38.048
I know how hard that is, and sometimes I'm like nope, not doing that.
00:24:38.048 --> 00:24:39.699
Did you see how they treated me?
00:24:39.699 --> 00:24:41.122
Are you kidding me right now?
00:24:41.122 --> 00:24:50.261
And it's like fine, that's what you want me to do, and I have done it because that is my heart, and so that's.
00:24:50.261 --> 00:24:57.910
I guess that was a long way of saying yes, speak with purpose, because it really does have the power to breathe life.
00:24:58.770 --> 00:25:02.696
Yeah, you know well, you can fight with kindness.
00:25:02.696 --> 00:25:04.357
I guess too.
00:25:04.357 --> 00:25:17.126
I can remember when I had bullies in school and my mom had told me the best way to fight people who are trying to be unkind to you is just, you know, be kind back.
00:25:17.126 --> 00:25:29.876
And they just don't even know what to do with it sometimes because they realize, wait a second, I mean you're supposed to be unkind back, and so then it's going to be this back and forth.
00:25:29.876 --> 00:25:40.924
But if we just go in with kindness and intent then and choose our words very carefully, then we get a different result loud and I think it shuts down a variety of people.
00:25:41.105 --> 00:25:45.127
I think it shuts down the narcissists.
00:25:45.127 --> 00:26:00.076
I think it can shut down the bullies.